Thursday, August 18, 2005

A Volvo Personality.

I don't know anything about cars, but Volvo drivers are not like other car drivers. They are always in their cars doing something. I was walking through the Sobey's Parking lot and I saw three of them just sitting in the drivers seats, doing stuff. One guy was gluing his shoes together. Another guy was fixing some kind of machinery with a screwdriver and the last guy was working on his laptop.

I think I like Volvo drivers.

In the Sobey's parking lot I drew two more conclusions all Honda drivers crank their bad taste in music and all Ford drivers are twitchy. Two Ford drivers almost hit me and well. And for the most part Honda drivers are all "buum ssst buum ssst buum ssst..." But on this day some hip cats were playing this brand new single shamelessly cranked.

That's what Sobey's taught me about cars.

Today's Song of the Day is "Rhythm Is A Dancer" by Snap off their 1992 Album "The Madman's Return."

Crazy Fact: ok ok the rap guy in this band is named "Turbo B" not only does this guy drive a Honda but he is named after one too. yuk yuk yuk.


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