Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Going to the Chapel (or something)

Sarah asked me to Marry her 5 times.

I said yes everytime but I said I needed a ring four of those times. Does that make me a princess? I believe I'm capable of being a princess, but I still don't think it makes me a princess, this time.

I have a ring so we are getting married.


ok that's big news so that's all for today.

Today's Song of the Day is "I Will" by The Beatles off their 1968 album" White Album."

Crazy Fact: Before the Beatles, Ringo Starr drummed for a Band called Rory Storm & the Hurricanes.



Anonymous said...

Congrats "Princess" Pif!
xoxo Amy

Mum, says "Go forth and multiply"

ces said...

yes it makes you a fucking princess. you should thank the stars above that a gal as cool as sarah would even CONTEMPLATE marrying you.

congratulations pif!!!

Anonymous said...

Pif, you are the biggest girl I've ever met. The only question is... are you going to wear white at the wedding?

Oh, and congratulations too.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations Monkey-boy,

Princess Pif? Jesus God. Good on your gal for asking you...but you demanding a ring...and getting it? Pif, you're an evolutionary anomaly. Like the bumblebee. Or a Dodo found waddling on the shores of today's Galapagos islands. 1000 years ago, they woulda drowned guys like you and me at birth for the betterment of the species. But I'm rambling. Congratulations. You make me cry. I'm gonna go now and bench-press a truck to make myself feel better.