Monday, August 15, 2005

Not So Much

I think Sarah is the Only person in the World that doesn't think Dave Chappell is funny and I think that kicks ass. Here are some of the things she had to say about it.

"The 'Black White Supremist' bit COULD'VE been funny but it wasn't, it was LAME."
"There were moments, but ultimately, it let me down."
"Just not funny."

I will laugh at anything, at everything actually, in poor taste, in good taste, fart jokes, Woody Allen, Elizabethian Comedie, The Simpsons, Americas Funniest Home Videos, short people, Tall people, Fat people, women, men, black, white ANYTHING. It's actually embarrassing. Like when you're in like Sears or something and showing on that bank of TVs is Full House or some such pap, and while stuck and bored you give in to watching. Next thing I know I'm all gaffaws and giggles. It makes me feel like less of a person when that happens. oooo Full House you ARE my Nemisis, I curse the Name.

Today's Song of the Day is "Sara" by Bob Dylan off his 1976 album "Desire."

Crazy Fact: Bob Dylan is still alive.


1 comment:

ces said...

ha! great crazy fact, pif!
congrats on the A. you're not a retard.
