Monday, August 16, 2004

Killer Robots = Fun. Real Robots = No Fun.


You think that's like "c'mon in sit down rest or rant, it's up to you." ? That sounds more like a bar then a restaurant. I'll look it up...

[French, restorative soup, restaurant, from present participle of restaurer, to restore, from Old French restorer. See restore.]

Nope. Wrong again. That bites. Etymology is always getting in the way of my schemes. Always. 90% of the time we are living in a fantasy world, why do the facts always have to get in the way. "I think she really likes me!" or "You know what I *DO* have great taste in clothes" or "Can you REALLY have too much ketchup in your fries" or "ah fuck it...(whatever follows that statement is a BAD idea)" Wouldn't that suck if there was a professor robot following you around correcting every stupid decision you almost made.

Me: ...Yeah, sure lets do it.

Annoying Metallic Robotic Voice: Excuse me Pif, that will only leave 12 dollars and 56 cents in your bank account.

Me: Yeah, but I got that jar of quarters 'n' shit beside my bed. There's gotta be a least 150 bucks in there. Don't worry about it there, robo-guts, I know what I'm doing."

Annoying Metallic Robotic Voice: Correction. You have 56.23 in your apartment.

Me: You are so fucking uptight!

Annoying Metallic Robotic Voice: That is my function.

Me: Bite me.

Annoying Metallic Robotic Voice: After the last time you instructed me to do that you told me, quote, do that again and all shred your retarded metal body with a carbide grinder, end quote. You were very upset.

Me: Look... Who invited you?

Annoying Metallic Robotic Voice: Your mother.

Me: WHAT!?!

Annoying Metallic Robotic Voice: Your mother.

Me: Yes yes I *HEARD* you, you accurséd contraption, bane of all fun-ness.

Annoying Metallic Robotic Voice: Correction. Fun-ness is not a word I suggest Jocularity or perhaps High Jinx.

Me: This sucks. Whatever she's paying you I'll double it.

Annoying Metallic Robotic Voice: Correction. You only have 68.79 to your name.

Me: I hate you.

Today's Song of the Day is "9th & Hennepin" by Tom Waits off his 1985 Album "Rain Dogs."

Crazy Fact: On "Blind Love" also off this album Tom Waits teams up with the Rolling Stones' gitaurist Keith Richards and ex- Richard Hell & the Voidoids guitarist Robert Quine. Who Knew?


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