Monday, August 09, 2004

Black Sabbath

Do people mistake thought provoking for depressing? I'm starting to think they do. I keep hearing people call stuff I like, depressing. Granted Apocolypse Now doesn't exactly have a happy ending but, there's so much more to that movie then just the ending. People get all freaking caught up on the end of... well anything. But let's stick with movies for a second, people seem to think a movie was good if it had a good ending. I think that's weird. I don't think it's like that for comedies now that I think about it. When dude gets his naughty bits all tangled in his zipper in "Something About Mary" it's really funny and then the end is an end, he get the girls, blah blah blah. But if it was exactly the same and in the end he gets mowed down by a car. The end. roll credits... Wow what an awesome ending. I'd laugh my ass off. He leaves all crying walks out in the road and WHAM-O! Anyway, there is now way it would be as popular, I just know it. Why does that last 10 seconds matter so much?

Raise your fists in Revolution my friends! Let's take 'em out. Whoever they are. If we can't take out those responsible we'll just take out anyone we can, c'mon, mob rule, there's no happy-ending there. The medium is the message. You can DOOOO eet!

Today's Song of the Day "Istamble not Constantinople" by They Mighty Be Giants off their 1990 album "Flood."

Crazy Fact: They Mighty Be Giants took their name from a George C. Scott film.


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