Thursday, September 30, 2004

Old Lies Past Planted the Seed. Where's my Weed Wacker?

I always doubted parents and professors and grand parents who said (and a paraphrase), gettin' old dumbs you down. Well as usual they were right and I was wrong. I'm dumber then I was. These kids I go to school with are WAAY smarter than me and I find this very disappointing.

It's either that or When you're young you're convinced those old folks are so damn smart and someday you'll be just like them. Then when you 'get older' (whatever that means to you) and you assume your opinion of people 'your age', formed when you were a snotty-nosed kid. IE someone who knows everything, totally together, capable of anything, ect...

Well this just isn't true. So when your old enough that the significantly younger are 20, your in for it. Time for the ego to GO DOWN in fa- fa- F L A M E S. Everyone of the those twenty year-olds are manning anti-aircraft cannons shooting your, large, old, slow, over-confident ass to the ground. When you get hit the first time you think, 'oh that's just a kid what do they know, pffft' Now that I'm crawling through the wreckage lemmie tell you, they know a lot. The whole time your spirialling down to earth you're in utter disbelief, 'but, but, but I'm older and wiser, and they're just KIDS! That's impossible!' (say like Luke in Empire Strikes Back.)

So when you come to, you wander aimlessly through the wreckage of your self image, looking for some piece of truth to salvage, something that survived the merciless attack of the twenty year-olds, I'll tell you what I find when I find it.

But maybe the truth is that we were right when we were kids, those fucking old fuckers don't and didn't know jack. They just thought they did, and then we believed them, just as they did.

Today's Song of the Day is "It Was A Very Good Year " by Frank Sinatra, (composed my Ernie Drake) off his 1965 Album "September of My Years."

Crazy Fact: In 1993, he recorded the album Duets. After over 50 years of recordings this album became his biggest-selling album, with sales over 3,000,000 copies. Maybe crazy, maybe not so crazy.


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