Saturday, October 09, 2004

White Bread Brain.

As I stirred gravy, Sonia cooked Thankgiving Dinner for twelve and I realized that cooking is just like Calculus. I watch her infused carrots with ginger and orange zest. I watch, ask questions and drink wine. She demonstrates how to simply and skillfully cook a Turkey. I watch, talk, drink wine and fill the diswasher, perfectly understanding every motion, every ingedient. Same for stuffing, casaroles, home-made pasta, sauces of all kinds, you name it.

I go home and days later get hungry and say to myself 'HEY I can cook now Sonia showed me.' I go into the kitchen open the fridge, stand and stare. Motionless, thoughtless, paralyzed and a little worried. It's like when I go to do my Calculus homework. I Open the text book copy down a problem sit and stare. Motionless, thoughtless, paralyzed and a little worried. I understood everything in class, when some else is doing it it makes SOO much sense, just like cooking.

Cooking like Calculus is a cruel mistress.

Today's Song of the Day is "Hungry Like The Wolf" by Duran Duran off their 1982 Album "Rio."

Crazy Fact: Duran Duran tooking their name from a character in Roger Vadim's psychedelic sci-fi film Barbarella, BECAUSE the group began playing gigs in the Birmingham club CALLED Barbarella.


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