Saturday, October 23, 2004

The Celebrity Freakshow

Jerry Lee Lewis was the first ever Rock 'n' Roll Freakshow. Pills, Booze, setting his piano on fire and most memorabley marrying his 13 year-old cousin. This guy is a living Crazy Fact, I don't know where to start. After the first 5 years of Rock 'n' Roll, it was all done. It's all Post-Modern paste after that. The only thing new after 1960 was the kids started writing there own songs. pffft big deal. What do I care?

A: Have you heard the new Radiohead-
B: OMIGOD! Did you SEE him on SNL, WHAT a druggy!

A: Did you see Monster?
B: NO but I saw her, the actress, on Oprah, She looks great!

Today's Song of the Day is "Great Ball of Fire" by Jerry Lee Lewis released in 1958.

Crazy Fact: His fathers name is Elmo. His cousin in Jimmy Swaggert. Wow.


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