Monday, October 18, 2004

From Almost Right to Totally Seventies in One Move.

If I could only recomend only ONE rock 'n' roll movie I think it would have to be Almost Famous. So many points to praise it. Coming of age story. Road picture. The story of music... It think's the best rock movie put to film. Purple Rain is great there's lots a greats but untill some body shouts me down. M'peeps Almost Famous is King.

Today's Song of the Day is "The Wind" by Cat Stevens off his 1971 album "Teaser and the Firecat."

Crazy Fact: Wow, the seventies can do anything! There should be a web site for your Seventies Name like they have for your prison name, your hobbit name or mobster name. Because the seventies got 'Cat Stevens' out of 'Steven Demetre Georgiou.' Crazy


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