Saturday, July 30, 2005

Call Me.

Ok it's clear to me I have to set up some rules. Last called on monday. now it's saturday. That's just too long. You can't help but feel a little forgotten. That's not good. I know I'm the emotional one here, but you picked me. This should REALLY not be a surprise.

What's the rule? I'm doubting myself. I know what you think dennis, so besides dennis, who thinks more than three days is not cool, three days is bearly cool, every other day is sufficent... but really everyday would be sweet. Don't you think? I'm I that big a a pansy? I need some support over here, I'm past the ten day mark and my mind is sweaty and slippery. Wet with selfishness. Dripping with self-involved thought.

Talk to me. Before it floats away in a sea of my own making.

Today's Song of the Day is "Liquidator" by the Harry J. All Stars off their 1969 album "Liquidator."

Crazy Fact: I can't find out anything besides this track peaked at number 9 in the UK in 1969.



annabanana said...

when jay was away for a month we were in contact every three or four days, i think, until the end when there was a longer period.

it wasn't always calling. sometimes it was emailing.

i think every day, or every other day's a bad idea. i get it that you've got the urge to connect, but i think you should do it in other ways. write her an email. or a love letter. or make something for her. or blog. or whatever. let her have her own experience over there, and let yourself have one here. this is a great opportunity to contemplate her and yourself and your relationship. and to prepare for her joyous return. suck it up, dude. it's good for you. and bittersweet. stop being so milk chocolate. ;-)

Mad'Nis said...

When the QoC was in Madrid for 5 months, we'd SMS a goodnight every night, hehe, and call maybe once a week or so. At least I knew the codes that made it only 1.4 cents a minute. The cell phone calls were a disaster.

Seems 3 weeks without physical contact should be no prob. We did 5 once and that was too long, it took a day or so to get back into ourselves. Weird.

Suck it up, you whiney bitch.