Wednesday, January 12, 2005

A Bird and a Pair of Nuts.

I was walking down the street thinking about new ways to study, because my study habits have run aground and my schedule has changed. I was already a little confused when I reached victoria park to try my study in a coffee shop method on spring garden road when a whole shelled peanut fell clear out of the sky and landed at my feet.

'plop' (a nut hitting the ground sound effect)

It wobbled a bit from left to right before coming to a halt. I half expected it to open it's eyes and sprout legs like mr. hanky or like the gingerbread man and run into the bushes. it didn't.

MEAN ME: shows over. go study pif.

OTHER ME: oh yeah studying (pause) would you look at that peanut. pretty cool...

MEAN ME: go study.

OTHER ME: ...a peanut.


OTHER ME: ...hey it's not everyday god offers me manna from heaven.

MEAN ME: It was a bird. Go study.

OTHER ME: It COULD have been a bird, I guess.


OTHER ME: ok ok ok jeeze.

I've had this song stuck in my head all freaking day so I'm sending it out to y'all to exorcize the demon.

Today's Song of the Day is "Pavane" performed by Judi Silvano off her 1996 album "Vocalise" this was originally composed by Maurice Ravel in 1899.

Crazy Fact: Maurice Ravel called this "Pavane Pour Une Infante Defunte" for those out there who don't speak french it means, "Pavane for a Dead Princess" that's not so crazy... how about Young Maurice Ravel had to be bribed six sous an hour to practice the piano.


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