I think it's very cool to implusively decide to go to New York City with someone you don't know REAL well but get along with and let me tell you why:
A) Dude, life is short. ('nuff said)
B) What the hell else is money for if not travelling somewhere cooler then you are right now, if not to live forever, than at least to live for 4 days. Make your money wherever you have to, but spend it somewhere cool.
C) If not for impulse, our lives would never change. We would live under the tyranny or routine, each day following the last in perfect boring harmony. (no Harmony that's not a slight, you are capital 'H' Harmony, make no mistake) Pefection is inhuman, trust me I think about math and computers, I know, if is wasn't for humans computers (and Math) would be perfect. damn humans.
E) From the perpective of a poor student shackled to his book learnin', having morgaged his future to buy raffle tickets for the key. I'm jealous. New York is better than Math or procrastination.
F) You are going to the COOLest concert. (De... La... Soul... ?!!? What the hell year is it?) Ike Turner, Nenah Cherry, Roots... I hope Nenah gives Ike a bitch slap for us all.

H) I feel like an adult just knowing y'all. I can't imagine what an adult y'all must actually feel like.
G) I know your going to take me. Your just waiting for the right time to bring it up. Anytime is the right time baby, gimmie a kiss.
Today's Song of the Day is "Nightswimming" by R.E.M. their 1992 album "Automatic for the People."
Crazy Fact: John Paul Jones of Led Zeppelin fame arranged the strings for this song.
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