Monday, May 23, 2005

The Spin Cycle of Suck.

Man I hate cleaning up. If I remember to do it now, I'm just going to forget to do it later. It's seems so pointless. Such a waste of time. That's was sisyphus was trying to tell us. If ever there was a futile activity, it's cleaning up and eating for that matter. Your just going to have to do it again. I mean jeeze, how many times am I going to have to go through this hungry chew swallow digest shit routine, it's endless. It's seems like I do it every damn day. I hate the stuff I do everyday. The Enemy has a new name and Routine it's you. Like making the bed. What do you mean you can't think in a messy house? I can't think because I'm stuck in this endless and futile cleaning parade, and by the way... this parade SUCKS! All the floats suck, and have themes like disease, insects, guilt and shame, what would the neighbours think, you smell bad, the spin cycle, etc... bore me to tears.

Grrrr. Cleaning you suck. I hate you.

Today's Song of the Day is "The Sound Of The Suburbs" by The Members off their 1979 debut album "At the 1980 Chelsea Night Club."

Crazy Fact: I got nuthin'



Anonymous said...

thats that tricjy thing of livng in tandem right? SO you can think in a mess and someone else cant. then you cant be stressed when the other has to clean up to think. Because that someone doesnt see it as a routine, but a path moning forward. Just like some people need to do nothing for a time to continue doing the soemthings that they do. And that other person cant be stressed when they are making the bed again, right, for the same reasons...

annabanana said...

wow monkey. i'm impressed that you're cleaning at all. that's excellent! my little boy's all grows up!

i hear you with the cleaning sucks thing. i life with two guys, one big and one small, who both blow at cleaning. even forgetting any feminist indignation i may have, it pisses me off. it's not fair.

being the primary cleaner around my neck of the woods, i have to say that the repetition is what kills me, too. you wash the dish, you put it in the rack to dry, you remember to take it out and put it in the cupboard, then an hour later you take it out of the cupboard and put food on it again. some one should design a wall-mounted dishwasher that looks like a cupboard, so at least you can remove the useless step of rack-to-cupboard.

(and if anyone out there reads this, invents it and makes lots of money, i want my cut, 'cause you heard it here first!)

but it's the never ending quality that REALLY gets me. it's not like a jigsaw puzzle that you can just complete and forget about. cleaning is never done. no sooner have you tidied everything beautifully than some jack-ass mocks your hours of labour by walking in with dirty feet and plunking his bag in the middle of the floor, or putting all his smelly lunch tupo-ware (sp?) next to the pristine sink, and then walks away oblivious.

if i could make the guys i live with tidy more, then maybe they'd be neater because they'd realize how much it sucks to have all evidence of your cleaning disappear in 30 short seconds at the grimy hands of some one else.

hm. but then... maybe that's why they don't clean to begin with... because they think being neater is impossible, to too hard.... chickeneggchickeneggchickenegg...

Mad'Nis said...

i've actually seen already, I think in Italy, a system halfway like you describe. The cupboards are basically drying racks, and the water is caught in a tray at the bottom and carried to the sink. So the italians have to wash the dishes themselves, but they only have to rack them once.