I bought Weird Science. I'm scared to watch it. My brother and I *loved* it when we were barely teenagers. But so many question now that I'm old and it's old. Is Kelly Lebrock still hot? probably. Is she a good actor? doubtful. Does the script eat ass? That is SOOoo likely I think I'm scared to watch it.
I put on the credits and turned it off. It is -- So -- Very -- 80s. I remember being a kid, looking at the seventies, thinking that it was absolutely redickyoulass that people in the seventies didn't know there clothes were horrible looking, then realizing that someday mine would look just as stupid. I remember trying to zone in on that which would be dated and having no clue... just no clue what was going to look "so 80s".
Well no that it's a million years later I figured it out. It's everything. HOLY SHIT the HAIR! I've never seen hair so big... that is so not true I've seen the movie dozens of times.
I thought it was SOOO funny when the 80s was now and I was a virgin. man. that was a long long time ago.
Oddly when I listen to music from 1985 it makes this move much more bearable. ...Jesus I'm fucking Big Chill aged. How Horrible.
Today's Song of the Day is "Life in a Northern Town" by The Dream Academy off their 1985 debut album "The Dream Academy."
Crazy Fact: This album was produced by David Gilmore (of Pink Floyd) and is in fact a elegy for Nick Drake. (Most importantly this song came out the same year as Weird Science.)
Holy shit! I just bought Weird Science on the weekend as well. Though I did not have the same misgivings about watching it. It was very 80's, in a way that never really existed in real life. Still funny though and Kelly Lebrock is still way hot. That was really the only reason all teenage boys liked in the first place.
When I was 16 I just couldn't understand why she wasn't in more movies.
Agreed. Kelly LeBrock was way hot.
But the movies sucks. Besides being very 80's, in a way that never really existed in real life, it also for me underscored the inherent racism of that entire teen genre, while at the same time lauding underachieving misfits.
Most John Hughes movies and teen movies of the time represented non-whites as either being 'street-smart-and-dangerous black hipster types', or 'stupid-immigrants with bad accents and overcharged libidos lusting after whitewomen'.
You may wanna check out 'Real Genius' with Val Kilmer. I think it's a far superior and insightful film with a better representation of kids.
The Wonger
I just found this track sitting on my desktop. Wacky.
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