My Top 5 Names for Taking a Dump:
5. Bowel Movement ---tied with--- Defecate.
There both just so clinical, it cracks me up.
4. Drop the Kids off at the Pool.
It's old but it still gets me. It's starts with 'Drop' which resonates with me cuz of the fear of uriney back splash (gross) AND the old public toilet noise PLOP! Which so shockingly breaks the silence in those echo chambers of embarrassment. The kids metaphor is great, my little creations (the little smelly monsters that they are). And finally the fact that it's something I gotta worry about before I do and then not worry about after it's done (cuz there in gods hands now) is awesome.
3. Pinch off a Loaf
My old favourite. You got that steamy hot loaf of freshly cooked bread feel to it which rocks and the messy unsatisfying pinch thing - HAHAHA - It still makes me laugh! (sigh)
2. Move Brown
It's just so gross and awesome. You got reference to the terrible 'shit brown' colour which is unique among these five. the Move goes back to bowel movement which gives me twice the impact. And it's new. horray!
1. Make a Splash
The number one spot goes to this beauty cuz it makes you feel like it's something you should announce to the world. An accomplishment. Something to be proud of which is in stark defiance of the age-old social rules of shitting.
Today's Song of the Day is "I Shall Be Released" by Bob Dylan originally from the 1967 bootleg recordings known as "The Basement Tapes" but later released in 1971 on Bob Dylan Greatest Hits, Vol. 2.
Crazy Fact: Dylan spent the summer of 1960 in Denver, where he met bluesman the inspiration behind his signature harmonica rack and guitar.
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