Since when do PIRATES (think "ARRRG! me Maties!" with me for a moment) have a spokesperson. Do they have a Lawyer on retainer too?
Ok its the 21rst Century and we have Pirates.
nope. doesn't fit. I'm picturing aliens and moonbases and rocket cars and I'm getting Pirates with Spokepeople saying non-pirate things like "no one was hurt" and "We were celebrating Eid" (If you don't know what Eid is just think Muslim Christmas...)
What the HELL! These guys are not living up to my Scourge of the Sea ideal one bit.
They are breaking my little pirate heart.
Today's Song of the Day is "A Criminal Mind" by Gowan off his 1985 self-title debut album "Strange Animal".
Crazy Fact: Lawrence Gowan is presently the Lead Singer of Styx. And yes, Styx plays "A Criminal Mind" in concert now. No Freakin' Lie.
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