The US is going commie! The governments buying the banks! Oh wait no there just giving them money 700 billion at a time. And getting nothing but bad debt in return. It's the smart move. Riiiight...
That's what I was gonna write... but the bill got defeated again today.
Supposedly we are all supposed to panic and scream the sky is falling. I can't help but rejoice, it's in me and it just has to come out. YAAAAAY! No tax payer likes this idea one fucking bit. I'm not even an American and the idea makes me ill. On a gut level this shit is wrong. I say screw 'em!
I've read 2 awesome things as a result of this 'crisis'. First of all republican are voting it down because "it's an election year and I don't want to lose my job." FUCK! It should be an election year every year and we would ACTUALLY live in a democracy. I forget the other.
Remember these rich bastards are screwing themselves. The stock market is dropping because people are selling.
Am I selling? No.
Are you selling? No.
Why? Cause we have no fucking STOCK! All those greedy rich bastards are selling each others shit like it's on 8 track tape, pulling each other into the toilet (where the rest of us live) and I'm supposed to cry about it. Hey collectively crying Rich guy STOP SELLING! Oh wait your all selfish rich bastards who only look out for only yourself, right right. That's how you got so damn rich in the first place, right right. You'll drive that profit motive mobile right into the fucking sewer.
Why not take the 700 Billion dollars and buy some houses, then people don't default and banks get flush with cash. Seriously, at 200,000 per house that's 3 MILLION 5 HUNDRED THOUSAND HOUSES. FUCK!
We the people, play the lottery. We the people, would fucking LOVE that kinda bill. Make a list of every morgage that has 200,000 or less left on it. Pick out 3.5 million of them and pay them off. BOOM! Done. If there is on average 4 people living in each house thats at least 14 million very happy Americans. Banks have money to lend, People have money freed up to spend. HORAAAY! Happy economy. Call it the 'trickle up effect.'
I guess the US "We the People" Government doesn't see it "line up with their interests". No surprise.
Today's Song of the Day is "This Land is Your Land" by Sharon Jones & The Dap Kings off their 2005 Album "Naturally."
Crazy Fact: Sharon Jones worked as a corrections officer at New York's Rykers Island.
1 comment:
Hahaha, it's great isn't it, when the western powers nationalise their banks, and Russia is the evil Capitalist monster, hahaha! Look at you, suddenly back!
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