This is an Interesting bit of theatre and pretty funny too. 225 people went to Home Depot and shopped in slow motion. There's lots of video on you tube.
Back in the day this is the stuff I liked to do. It's not stale like the rest, this is the kind of theatre that won't be over taken by a better way to tell stories (ie movies, TV, and in some cases video games.) These forms have made theatre into a history lesson for the mainstream population. But the employees of Home Depot had an intense reaction was, this reached them in a way a movie can't, same for the performers. Here, they are all participants, audience and performer, theatre done to them not for them, that's the stuff baby, that's what I like.
Today's Song of the Day is "Somebody's Watching Me" by Rockwell off his 1984 album "Somebody's Watching Me."
Crazy Fact: Rockwell aka Kennedy Gordy is the son of Motown founder Berry Gordy, and friends with Michael Jackson, wow that a tough life, how could you ever fail in the music industry with family and friends like that? Well after this single he found a way.
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