I wish people would get it in there head that good taste and humour have nothing to do with each other. They aren't opposites they aren't even on the same plane of existence. For example people getting hurt (especially tripping) and hurting themselves is funny. So funny in fact that the japanese have a funny as hell show Most Extreme Elimination Challange based entirely on, and exploring every nuace of this facinating subject and it fucking kills me.
But this video is my point (click this and laugh you're hole off)
Some people think it's funny as long as they don't get hurt.
Some people think it's funny as long as someone doesn't get seriously hurt.
Some people think it's funny as long as someone doesn't die.
Whatever pick your flavour, but the Darwin awards are funny for a reason.
Today's Song of the Day is "Le Pain Perdu" by Cibo Matto off thier 1996 album "Viva! La Woman."
Crazy Fact: This whole album, Viva! La Woman, is about food.
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