Saturday, November 26, 2005

Not Shy

My birthday's comin'! Just want to make sure everybody's clear on that one DECEMBER 5th. That's my birthday, yup, I'm gonna be 33. yesiree. 33. just so you all know. You don't have to buy me anything or anything, if you don't get around to it, I understand, it's a busy world we live in. Just send cash.

Today's Song of the Day is "Time Is On My Side" by The Rolling Stones off their 1964 album "12 X 5"

Crazy Fact: Time Is On My Side was the first really big American hit for the Rolling Stones, reaching #6 at the end of 1964.



Mad'Nis said...

You dirty rat!

Now, it's totally bad luck in Germany to be at all congratulatory before 'the day'. However, you should know, for it may play into your festivities, that 33 is what they call a "schnappszahl" which means it's lucky. And that you should drink the hardstuff.

You won't have another schnappszahl for 11 years, so enjoy it!

Anonymous said...

33? Fuck that's old. Makes me feel much better about being 30.