Sunday, December 25, 2005

Lots of Parents in the same room.

The parents met. egad. It went better than I expected. I'm not sure what I expected but armed with a hollywood education parents meeting is supposed to be described as "wacky" and "off the wall" or involving embarrassing "highjinx" and high-larity. It was pretty ok. It was a bomb that never went off. It was pretty normal. I didn't even embarrass myself. a non event is kind of news in my life. everything seems to be an event. it's nice that it wasn't for a change.

Today's Song of the Day is "Best Sunday Dress" by Hole released in 1999 as the B-Side off the "Celebrity Skin" single.

Crazy Fact: Cortney Love was in the movie Sid & Nancy.



Mad'Nis said...

YOUuuuuu are a cheater!!! A dirty little cheater! I know, I KNOW you haven't been posting like a madman these last couple days.... have you??? Have I only been distracted by a crazy job in a city 2 hours away from Berlin?

Caleb says I write english like a german. I think he's projecting.

Happy new yeaaaaar! Isn't planning a wedding FUCKING HELL???? Or are you guys going to do something small and respectable so you can chill with us in Berlinnnnnnnn. Scheite.

Mad'Nis said...

AT LEAST all the parents in your equation speak, you know, the same languages. Or at least one language in common.

That's cool tho man, gonna publish a date or something?