I just read this article. So aliens are real and governments knew and kept it from us "for our own safety" just like the crazyies have been saying forever. Well the official stories are starting to flow. Keep an eye out for these goodies, there'll be all kinds flowing down the pipe now that they've started.
Of course the earthing response is to try to blow it out of the sky. Nice friendly earthlings. What a bunch of dicks. Airplanes aren't good at making friends, especially military ones. Stupid military. Unlike the military, people on earth would like to meet these aliens and have a chat, come over for a beer and shoot the breeze. People like making friends, now - it seems - even more than they like watching people having sex.
So if you meet an alien be nice, get there email and be their friend on facebook. THEN you can watch them have sex. It's the new order.
Today's Song of the Day is "Spacelab" by Kraftwerk of their 1978 album "The Man Machine"
Crazy Fact: They are still together and making music, that is crazy. Their most recent album is called minimum/maximum and was released in 2005. Nutso.