Monday, February 27, 2006

The White Abyss

Sarah seems to be a fine replacement for Caleb, in so far as the adventure-bordering-on-stupidity-effect. I'm sure I could make a single work out of that if I spoke German. It would be something like adwertdungfoolacheffect. Where Caleb and I decide to go to Death Valley in August an bring insufiecent water. Sarah and I decided to walk to Cape Split from Wolfville in a blizzard. We made it to Canning, then we walked home. It was about a totally of a 32k hike in total.

At one point Sarah, started to refer to our surrounding reality as the "White Abyss" and started to generate a contaigous paranoia aura the likes I haven't felt since the Caleb days. When our survival seems to be in question I know we are doing something worth doing.

The last 2k or so of that hike was a simply a question of will. I was sure my knees were going to pop backward out of their sockets. But they didn't.

Today's Song of the Day is "Ain't No Tellin'" by Mississippi John Hurt off his 1928 album "Avalon Blues."

Crazy Fact: A scholar named Tom Hoskins discovered that Mississippi John Hurt, who hadn't been heard from musically in over 35 years, was alive and living in Avalon, MS, and sought him out, following the trail laid down in Hurt's song "Avalon Blues."


1 comment:

Mad'Nis said...

Let me try:



I really like the german Wow. Wau. It seems more surprised to me.

We must one day bang beers together again, to toast our most amazing queens of chaos.

Don't compare your fiancée to Caleb. That's sick.